Saturday, June 27, 2015

Juniors - Friday

On Friday morning we played in the water / inflatable and made rockets with the recycled 2 liter bottles. In the afternoon, we walked over to the middle of the quad on campus and played in zorb balls and huge hamster balls.

Badges we earned this week (click the links to know what to look for!):
Junior Aide
aMuse journey
Make your own: water safety, water exercise -- the girls each get to design their own so no two are alike!

Big thanks to our helpers for the week: Lucinda and Nicole (Vampire)! 


Thank you everyone!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Juniors - Thursday

We started the day off with archery again. :) We then went to STEM and worked on egg drops. 5 of our eggs made it without breaking! We ate lunch (we have some very hungry girls, they were breaking into their lunches by 10 am) and then learned about water safety. Finally we got to go to the pool and do some water exercises and then got to play in the pool (the things we learned with water safety and water exercises can be made into a custom badge on the Girl Scout page. Each girl can design her own).
As we were waiting for all our friends to get ready after swimming, we peaked in the windows into the gym where the basketball players were practicing. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Shout outs to Day Camp Staffers

Thursday overnight and Friday

TRADING POST: open Thursday & Friday during camp hours and for those overnighting.  Items range from $1-$20. Cash or cookie dough only.

WATER GAMES in the morning, arrive wearing something you an get wet in.  Bring a change of clothes if you want to change in afternoon to something dry.

PACKING: (sleeping bag or bed roll, small pillow, flashlight, toiletries, PJs, see clothes note for Friday, Mess kit with 1each; (picnic plate, fork, spoon), optional: book & stuffed animal.

Thank you!

Posey-Vanderburgh Posey-Vanderburgh Day Camp
Girl Scouts of SW Indiana

Juniors - Wednesday

We did archery in the morning and worked with the daisies on the Junior Aide badge. We worked on some STEM activities that involved building something big enough for us to fit in and cooking s'mores in the sun. We also worked more on our aMuse journey by interviewing a nurse about their job.

Tomorrow we are going to learn about water safety so we need to bring swim suits, towels, and if we want, our goggles. These can be put in our bag and we will change into them in the afternoon.

They also made a list of items they need for the overnight if they are staying tomorrow (5th graders). 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Juniors - Monday and Tuesday

On Monday we did archery and rock climbing (Abby and Natalie made it all the way up to the top!). We heard a story from Susan Fowler, learning all about Susan B. Anthony, justice, and getting women's right to vote. We then worked on a few games towards the journey we are working on (aMuse) which focused on professions women can have.

On Tuesday we started working on our Junior Aide badge. We started our day with archery. We learned about different reptiles with Wesselman Nature Society. The snake even did a trick for us, jumping through a hoop (the trainer's earring - not planned). We then learned about PH from the STEM ladies. We had lunch and did different art projects towards our journey.